Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Life: Fo.rtuito.us beta

Their tag line asks: What would happen if we no longer used things like looks, age, sex and nationality to decide if we would try and become friends with a person? On Fo.ftuito.us, you can make friends with random people, only you can't search for people based on age/sex/nationality/etc. or view profiles like other networking or community sites. You are basically introduced to one random person every 4 days. Chat with and get to know that person for 4 days and then you can decide if you want to add that person to your friends list. The randomness is kind of fun although I have one gripe about the beta - It requires a photo upload when you sign up but if you use your own photo, wouldn't that allow people to decide if they want to be your friend based on how you look? I suggest uploading a neutral picture (not one of yourself) to get the full experience. Check out the beta for fortuitous, serendipitous fun:


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